Thursday, 11 December 2008

Tea party for retired staff

This event was a great success with around 30 former staff in attendance. It was great to see so many former colleagues and all looking so well!

Friday, 28 November 2008


Tonights ceilidh has been cancelled.
This is due to a lack of interest with less than one third of the available tickets being sold.

Friday, 14 November 2008


Ceilidh tickets are on sale NOW

Dance the night away on Friday 28th November from 7.30 until midnightl. Help us to celebrate the fiftieth anniversary and St Andrews night. Tickets are only £8.00 and are available from the school. Everyone welcome.

Wednesday, 15 October 2008

Ceilidh 28th November 2008

50th anniversary Ceilidh is being held in the school on 28th November. Tickets are on sale now priced at a very modest £8 each. Send a stamped addressed envelope with your cheque for the number of tickets you wish to: 'Admin' at Liberton High School, 328 Gilmerton Road, Edinburgh EH17 7PT.
First Course Restaurants are supplying the food for the evening and it will be the BEST OF SCOTS FARE.

Tuesday, 30 September 2008

Proposed Events for our Anniversary year

This is a summary of what we have planned for the coming year. We hope to see as many people as possible at these events.

Open Day 23 August - very successful. Over 300 people in attendance

Book Week (Celebrating 50 years) October

X Factor Thursday 16 October

Ceilidh November

Christmas Carol Concert December

Retired Teachers Tea Party December

Burns Supper January 2009

Race Night February 2009

Fame Academy March 2009

Sponsored Abseil (possibly from Forth Bridge tbc) April 2009

Reception in City Chambers May 2009

Other possibilities to include:
  • BBQ June
  • Summer Fair
  • Prizegiving
  • Activities Week
  • Sports day

For more details contact

Sunday, 21 September 2008

Science Club (Session 1967-8). Organised by Science Teacher (Chemistry) Mr Russell, the Science Club was held every Wednesday after school. The picture shows 'Preparation of Bromine Gas'; and photographed (standing) are L to R - James Beyer, Donald Heron (background) and Leslie Ball. I am unable to name the pupil in the foreground with his back to the camera.

Class 2b1 from '62 to '63

James Beyer 1961 to 1968
Dear Mr Macdonald

In response to your ‘search’ for memories of the late Lord Russell Johnston, I have vivid recollections of him from session 1962-63.

At that time, I was in 2nd year and our timetable included two periods of history each week with Mr Johnston (Tuesday and Thursday mornings before lunchtime). I particularly remember his lessons on ‘The Voyages of Discovery’ and the Industrial Revolution.

When we were gainfully employed in writing out notes or completing assignments from our history textbooks, he would be seated at his desk. Bent over a portable typewriter and totally immersed in what he was doing, he busily engaged himself in writing what I suspect may have been perhaps a speech or some other material for the Liberal Party, as at that time he was beginning his distinguished political career.

There were three History classrooms on the second floor of the ‘classroom block’ – Rooms 7, 8 and 9. (I also recall that there was another in the ‘extension’ which was built to cater for the ‘post-war baby boom’, of which I was one! ** ). The Principal Teacher of History – Mr Petrie – was in Room 7 with Roy Wilsher and Russell Johnston in Rooms 8 and 9 respectively. The remaining three rooms on that level were used by the Modern Languages Department.

** The plan was that the ‘extension’ would be ready for the new first year intake in August 1961 (I seem to recall, at that time there was also an Easter intake). However, the completion was delayed, and we were provided with temporary accommodation at Firrhill Secondary, necessitating us to be ‘bussed’ each day from two pick-up points in the Liberton catchment area (Sir Walter Scott Avenue catering for pupils living in the Inch area and another for pupils from Moredun). The Liberton ‘extension’ was ready for the beginning of the following Term – and it was in January 1962 that we joined the Liberton School community proper.

Hope the above is of interest.

James Beyer (Pupil at Liberton Secondary School from 1961-68)

Wednesday, 13 August 2008

Liberton Fiftieth birthday Ceilidh

We have to postpone the Ceilidh until later in our year of celebrations. We hope that this doesn't cause too much inconvenience to all who pre booked for the event. Everyone who has prepaid will be receiving a full refund shortly and will also get priority notification of the rearranged date.

The open day will be going ahead on Saturday 23rd as advertised, only the ceilidh is being reorganised.

Friday, 8 August 2008

Liberton Fifty


Celebrating 50 years of Liberton High School.

Former pupils and staff are invited to our Open Day on Saturday 23 August from 11 until 3.

To register either email or telephone 0131 664 7514 ext 149

Liberton Fifty

Our 50th Birthday Party

Celebrating 50 years of Liberton High School.

Former pupils and staff are invited to our Ceilidh with a buffet meal on Saturday 23 August from 7.30 until late. Tickets £20

For tickets either email or telephone 0131 664 7514 ext 149

Tuesday, 5 August 2008

Lord Russell Johnston

Last week, whilst reading an obituary for Russell Johnston, I learned that he taught History at Liberton High from 1961- 1963. Do you remember him? Have you any interesting stories to share?

Monday, 28 July 2008

Alex Robertson memories

From Alex. Robertson

It is great to hear the old school group are having these celebrations. Unfortunately due to distance will not make it, however I would be glad to keep contact with any of my former friends, whom I made during 1960-1963 in 3B2 (prior to that I was at Fernieside Primary School).

While I am still active in sport, it is with regret that I heard (after the event) that we had lost Bruce Hay. I had the good fortune to know Bruce - and his brother David, well. Actually I gave Bruce his first rugby lessons on how to tackle in 1962 at the request of our PT teacher. Then, as we had few players, we mixed years to form a team and as a result we played together. In the years after we both left school it was always magic to chat together in the street, or at games (I later played for Musselburgh RFC).

Since 2002 I have been racing professionally in NASCAR here in the USA, which I enjoy a lot, as seen in some of my PR photos (attached). Plus I own my own Management Consulting business here San Diego, California, where I help design of professional TV equipment used by all the major TV companies in the world.

Friday, 27 June 2008

Home Economics

There is a new album on the right and it's from the Home Economics department. The pictures range from May 1959 when the Duchess of Kent opened the school right up to quite recently. Why not see if you're in any and let us know.

Monday, 23 June 2008

1970 season

D. Ritson M Bell
S. Grant V. Grant K. Quinn P. Stables

Squash 1970 - 71

Friday, 20 June 2008

Bay City Rollers

Last week I learned that two members of the Bay City Rollers were pupils at Liberton High School. Does anyone out there have pictures of the boys whilst they were at Liberton High or memories they can share. I wonder if the boys could be persuaded to come back to the High School to perform at one of our 50th anniversary events?

Tuesday, 10 June 2008

Open Day Registration

Registration for our Open Day Opens TODAY!! or

One day I might be able to figure out how to make this link live, but in the meantime, cut and paste this into your browser to get the registration form.

Registration for our Open Day on Saturday 23rd August opens today.

We would like you to register so that we can organize; arrange name/year badges
and organise catering etc.

To register , fill in the sheet above and email to or send to fitieth anniversary, Liberton High School, 328 Gilmerton Road, Edinburgh EH17 7PT

Monday, 26 May 2008

Dorothy Lloyd (Lee)

Dorothy sent in this picture and this information:
The class is 1G1 from 1959.
Me, Dorothy Lloyd (nee Lee), back row 2nd from left. Anyone recognise themselves and want to get in touch, see my profile on friends reunited.

Saturday, 10 May 2008

Linda Gillies

Linda Gillies (Hodge) shares this picture of half of 3G1 from the 1962 - 1963 year at Liberton. Linda is fourth from the right on the front row.

Friday, 9 May 2008

Iris O'Brien memories

Iris brought a couple of interesting pictures in today. The one from May 1959 might well be our very first S1's at Liberton. Some of these students went on to play football as shown in the second photo.

Tuesday, 6 May 2008

Undefeated against Edinburgh schools

Alice Simpson is the teacher in the middle of the back row and she shares this picture with us.
1970 to 1971 1st XI hockey team Back row K. Gillespie, M. Pearson, J. Rogers, A. Simpson, J. Ford, M. Bell, C Hutcheson

Front row K. Quin, I. Campbell, P. Stables, D. Ritson, E. Duff, M. McLellan, A. Wright

This team was undefeated against Edinburgh schools.

Wednesday, 30 April 2008

Bill Kersel

Bill Kersel kindly let us have copies of some of his photos to put on this blog.
See if you can spot your old pals.

New Photos

1966 to 1969

New photos added

Tuesday, 8 April 2008

Where are they now?

Why not use this site to discover whatever happened to friends and collegues.

What happened to Scott Lawrie, Head boy in 1987-1988 . Played Fagin in our production of Oliver in the late 80's.

What happened to Annette Alexander aka Fleagle in S6 in the mid 70's


We are holding a Raffle during our anniversary year. If you would like to donate items or to sell the tickets for us contact

Our Cookery Book

Home Economics are writing a cookery book- 50 years of recipes from Liberton High School.

Do you have a recipe you remember from HE and would like to share it with us. Please email with the recipe and any memories about Home Economics at Liberton High School you may have.

Proposed Events for our Anniversary year


Open Day 23 August

School Dinner/Disco 23 August
Dress in your own era. Tickets on sale in June for this event

Sponsored Walk September

Book Week October
Celebrating 50 years

X Factor October

Fashion Show November

Christmas Carol Concert December

Retired Teachers Tea Party December

Burns Supper January

Race Night February

Fame Academy March

Sponsored Abseil (possibly from Forth Bridge tbc) April


BBQ June
Summer Fair
Activities Week
Sports day

All events are provisional and yet to be confirmed. For more details contact

Friday, 8 February 2008


If anyone has an old photograph of their days at Liberton then bring it in to me Walter Thomson and I'll scan it into this site and you can share it with everyone.

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If you know anyone in these photo's let me know and I'll caption them

Our boiler house coal fire chimneys soon to be demolished and replaced with new gas fires
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