Wednesday, 30 April 2008

Bill Kersel

Bill Kersel kindly let us have copies of some of his photos to put on this blog.
See if you can spot your old pals.

New Photos

1966 to 1969

New photos added

Tuesday, 8 April 2008

Where are they now?

Why not use this site to discover whatever happened to friends and collegues.

What happened to Scott Lawrie, Head boy in 1987-1988 . Played Fagin in our production of Oliver in the late 80's.

What happened to Annette Alexander aka Fleagle in S6 in the mid 70's


We are holding a Raffle during our anniversary year. If you would like to donate items or to sell the tickets for us contact

Our Cookery Book

Home Economics are writing a cookery book- 50 years of recipes from Liberton High School.

Do you have a recipe you remember from HE and would like to share it with us. Please email with the recipe and any memories about Home Economics at Liberton High School you may have.

Proposed Events for our Anniversary year


Open Day 23 August

School Dinner/Disco 23 August
Dress in your own era. Tickets on sale in June for this event

Sponsored Walk September

Book Week October
Celebrating 50 years

X Factor October

Fashion Show November

Christmas Carol Concert December

Retired Teachers Tea Party December

Burns Supper January

Race Night February

Fame Academy March

Sponsored Abseil (possibly from Forth Bridge tbc) April


BBQ June
Summer Fair
Activities Week
Sports day

All events are provisional and yet to be confirmed. For more details contact