Iris brought a couple of interesting pictures in today. The one from May 1959 might well be our very first S1's at Liberton. Some of these students went on to play football as shown in the second photo.
Alice Simpson is the teacher in the middle of the back row and she shares this picture with us. 1970 to 1971 1st XI hockey team Back row K. Gillespie, M. Pearson, J. Rogers, A. Simpson, J. Ford, M. Bell, C Hutcheson
Front row K. Quin, I. Campbell, P. Stables, D. Ritson, E. Duff, M. McLellan, A. Wright
This team was undefeated against Edinburgh schools.
During session 2008/2009 Liberton High will be celebrating its 50 anniversary. All friends of Liberton High (current and former pupils, serving and former staff and all those associated with the school) are warmly invited to contribute to the planning of how we will mark our 50 anniversary. This website will be used to keep everyone informed of our progress. I very much look forward to working and meeting with our extended community in the coming months. Donald J Macdonald (Headteacher)
The following is an indication of what we have planned for the coming year. Please come along and share your memories with us.
Do you have a picture of your time here at Liberton High School? Scan it to digital form, Jpeg preferably, and send it to and we'll post it for you. Please give some information too. Any photographs published here can be viewed in larger size simply by clicking on it.