Tuesday, 30 September 2008

Proposed Events for our Anniversary year

This is a summary of what we have planned for the coming year. We hope to see as many people as possible at these events.

Open Day 23 August - very successful. Over 300 people in attendance

Book Week (Celebrating 50 years) October

X Factor Thursday 16 October

Ceilidh November

Christmas Carol Concert December

Retired Teachers Tea Party December

Burns Supper January 2009

Race Night February 2009

Fame Academy March 2009

Sponsored Abseil (possibly from Forth Bridge tbc) April 2009

Reception in City Chambers May 2009

Other possibilities to include:
  • BBQ June
  • Summer Fair
  • Prizegiving
  • Activities Week
  • Sports day

For more details contact fiftieth.anniversary@liberton.edin.sch.uk

Sunday, 21 September 2008

Science Club (Session 1967-8). Organised by Science Teacher (Chemistry) Mr Russell, the Science Club was held every Wednesday after school. The picture shows 'Preparation of Bromine Gas'; and photographed (standing) are L to R - James Beyer, Donald Heron (background) and Leslie Ball. I am unable to name the pupil in the foreground with his back to the camera.

Class 2b1 from '62 to '63

James Beyer 1961 to 1968
Dear Mr Macdonald

In response to your ‘search’ for memories of the late Lord Russell Johnston, I have vivid recollections of him from session 1962-63.

At that time, I was in 2nd year and our timetable included two periods of history each week with Mr Johnston (Tuesday and Thursday mornings before lunchtime). I particularly remember his lessons on ‘The Voyages of Discovery’ and the Industrial Revolution.

When we were gainfully employed in writing out notes or completing assignments from our history textbooks, he would be seated at his desk. Bent over a portable typewriter and totally immersed in what he was doing, he busily engaged himself in writing what I suspect may have been perhaps a speech or some other material for the Liberal Party, as at that time he was beginning his distinguished political career.

There were three History classrooms on the second floor of the ‘classroom block’ – Rooms 7, 8 and 9. (I also recall that there was another in the ‘extension’ which was built to cater for the ‘post-war baby boom’, of which I was one! ** ). The Principal Teacher of History – Mr Petrie – was in Room 7 with Roy Wilsher and Russell Johnston in Rooms 8 and 9 respectively. The remaining three rooms on that level were used by the Modern Languages Department.

** The plan was that the ‘extension’ would be ready for the new first year intake in August 1961 (I seem to recall, at that time there was also an Easter intake). However, the completion was delayed, and we were provided with temporary accommodation at Firrhill Secondary, necessitating us to be ‘bussed’ each day from two pick-up points in the Liberton catchment area (Sir Walter Scott Avenue catering for pupils living in the Inch area and another for pupils from Moredun). The Liberton ‘extension’ was ready for the beginning of the following Term – and it was in January 1962 that we joined the Liberton School community proper.

Hope the above is of interest.

James Beyer (Pupil at Liberton Secondary School from 1961-68)