Wednesday, 13 August 2008

Liberton Fiftieth birthday Ceilidh

We have to postpone the Ceilidh until later in our year of celebrations. We hope that this doesn't cause too much inconvenience to all who pre booked for the event. Everyone who has prepaid will be receiving a full refund shortly and will also get priority notification of the rearranged date.

The open day will be going ahead on Saturday 23rd as advertised, only the ceilidh is being reorganised.


Anonymous said...

It is so sad that the organisers went to so much trouble, so many people said they were interested, and then showed the usual apathetic response!!

Anonymous said...

I tried to obtain tickets for the ceilidh but had no joy with the e-mail system and recieved no reply to my efforts on how to pay by credit card. Did I miss something on the origonal deposit/information open day form? I have also had difficullty in sending my details for the open day. I have organised event myself and know how much work is required.It does cause enormous problems if the system is not working properly. I will try again to post my details for the open day. A big thank you to the oeople organising the event.
All the Best,